Cancer, diabetes, heart disease and high blood for the human body comes from the four functions of health organs, of the spleen, liver, colon and kidney
Many of the cancer patients who had been suffering from high blood pressure
Biggest mistake in medical science, the problem is not standing alone, should be considered as a whole. Therefore, the spleen organ must be restored first, we must maintain a habit of eating, with the content of the grain, either too coarse to fine, must at least reach 50% in food daily. These seeds are red beans, yellow beans, green beans, Tears, and others, all of this is the kind of seeds, lotus seeds are also very good, with this concept, the spleen and liver function will improve. The spleen is useful for the production of blood, every day there are two important periods, namely at 23.00 - 01.00 and 11:00 to 13:00. So when the time has come to rest it, should rest. Most people now have liver problems, why not? Three destroyers liver is sleep late, eat greasy food and the like mad. Oil can wrap liver, when you eat greasy food, the oil layer will wrap liver, a liver is not functioning, then do not eat too much oily food.
When more and more sleep the more tired, a warning would have liver problems, while sleeping, lymphatic fluid collects blood and delivered to the liver for disposal its toxic contents, clean the blood and then sent to the heart, the heart pumps blood throughout the body, whether the goal? So that every place is achieved by the blood to get nutrients, so the body remains healthy awake. Unfortunately, many people now have liver problems, in which the spleen no longer able to collect blood.
There is only one way to maintain healthy organs spleen, with consumption of whole grains, then why do people now organs spleen and body so badly many diseases? Because do not consume grain type, prefer to eat hamburgers, steak, fries, just eat a little rice, it was kind of white rice, we should consume grain types that have not been processed, such as rice kasar.Indonesia are a tropical country, so types of seeds from cold climates or hot is not suitable for consumption by residents of tropical areas, such as wheat, buckwheat, barley and sorghum, all of these are agricultural products cold climates, of course there are small bodies of people who are resistant, but not suitable to be consumed by most people, it does not mean the food is not good. Are most suitable food for the inhabitants of tropical regions like ours? Namely rough rice and yams, both types of foods suitable for people all over the world, but there was also sekoi jali and more suitable for people of the tropics. By maintaining the habit of eating grain type, spleen organ function will be recovered.
Restoring the function of sewage from the large intestine If you often feel tired, your heart trouble, then you need to rest more quickly. Every morning, you are difficult bowel movements, you like being at war with toilet only, it would be so sad.
These symptoms? That's because your body's absorption of fibrous food is weak, why colon cancer is very much in America, people with colon cancer in the coastal areas of China are also many, people with colon cancer in Singapore is also ranked second of all cancer patients, whereas results research on China's rural population showed no colon cancer, because every day they defecate smoothly, so squat straight out, stool just like bananas, so pretty! Even lined up neatly. Not like that, I explain, feces of healthy, diameter of about 2 to 3 cm long rod-shaped 30 to 45 cm, if placed on the ground, can be rolled over, even smoking, even a vanilla scent. One day, Billy called me with joy, "Mr. lecturer, what you say is true, I was not sure before, now I want to apologize to you." I asked: "What you're not sure?" "You say feces of healthy vanilla scent, where possible? But now I've feces vanilla scent." Why? Because the toxins in the intestine was wasted, if you do not feel there was the cow dung vanilla scent? But now the cow dung is the smell, because the food is now a mess cattle, especially cows injected with antibiotics, if your hard bowel movements, what does this mean? All the symptoms of the disease originated from the large intestine is difficult bowel movement. When your colon is healthy, you will not wake up alone in the morning, but was awakened by a twisted bowel. Why? Because between the hours of 05.00 - 07.00 am, the most active large intestines work, that's why we ask for cancer patients must go to bed at 21:00 at night, as well as diabetes patients. People generally go to bed before 23:00 at night, because in the morning 06.00 - 07.00 intestines stretched to wake you, ask you to squat on the toilet. Every day the number of times to eat, also how many bowel movements, then how many times should dispose of water? Remember! If 4 to 5 days once pee, it means the disease of severe constipation, 2 - 3 days once bowel disease constipation include large secondary level, while only once a day bowel disease constipation including large light levels.
How could referred to the most healthy and normal? How many times did you eat, so many times did you defecate, that is what is healthy, furthermore every time squatted, in 2 to 3 minutes straight right.
See your stool, lined up neatly, if your butt cleaned with tissue paper, there will be no sticky stools, very clean. I see there are some people so very sorry, ten sheets of tissue paper are also not able to clean the remaining dirt on the bottom, so people usually do not use tissue paper, flush immediately with water only.
For his very lack of cellulose. If the food into the body is not issued within 12 hours, will turn into toxic substances. Toxins are not thrown out will be absorbed by the walls of the colon, toxins are absorbed by the vessel will be returned to the liver through the gate, it really hurt! Liver damage resulting big trouble. Thus, the liver problems associated with the large intestine, large intestine origin smoothly, the heart will recover by itself, the immune system has also recovered, which sent the blood to the heart, too clean, the body would be difficult disease.
Kidneys are important organs for metabolism, removal of secretions and toxins, the blood fluid in the body through the kidneys as much as 20 times an hour, dirt metabolism of the blood is filtered by the kidneys into the urine for expulsion from the body. If kidney function problems, the waist will feel ached, dropsy, the fluid is toxic urine blood, high blood pressure, urinary tract infection, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, ear rings, hair loss, blurred eyes, reflexes decreased body , like the grim, often feel anxious, even-minded no-no.
All kinds of toxic substances caused by the beverage, food and air that enters the body, like any inner pressure, all through the kidneys. If this is too much garbage, the kidney's workload is too heavy, in the short term will arise blockage or infection, in the long run will occur the symptoms of kidney stones, decreased kidney function and blood is not clean, the worst had to undergo artificial dialysis process, if not threatening. For the kidney "prevention is better than cure". The best action is to maintain health and avoid damage to the kidneys. The main cause of kidney damage are: 1. Consume too much high protein food from animals, the acid arise as a result excessive urination, kidney's workload is too heavy. 2. Working too tired, too much pressure, not enough rest. 3. Too much consumption of hard drugs such as painkillers and antibiotics. 4. Polluted environment: water, soil, air and noise. 5. Too much to drink wine / hard, coffee, soft drinks, cold water. 6. Cold and wet weather. 7. Lack of drinking water.
If you want to maintain healthy kidneys, should reduce the danger of the above, drinking more water and fruit juices, such as strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, watermelon and lemon. Eat protein foods from plants, regular exercise, drink natural light, sufficient rest, maintaining good heart condition, preventing the waist do not get cold air, often rubbing tepalak waist with his hands, so that the kidney is more awake.
Maintaining kidney condition with lemon Lemon
2. Lemon juice to remove kidney stones Squeeze juice from lemon 12 fresh eggs (when I want a new drink is squeezed), add enough warm water (may add a little sea salt to taste better drunk), continued to drink for 7 days (12 grains daily lemon , other eating and drinking as usual). Kidney stone will smooth out with the urine. When the exit is going to hurt, if kidney stones are large, have resulted in infection and illness, can not drink cranberry juice to alleviate pain and treat the infection.
Six ways to eliminate stress
Most people suffering from depression caused by the enormous stress that comes suddenly, without could describe it. Inner pressure came when he met great difficulties, we must learn to handle adversity. Cancer most closely associated with depression, generally six months before esophageal cancer, a person is hit by problems with severe depression. When there is stress, you must learn to relax. Breath can affect the frequency of brain waves, the frequency of brain waves can affect the heart rate, heart rate can affect the speed-lemasnya tight muscles. In other words, when you change the way in breathing, muscle condition and feelings will get better, this way therapy is also used to direct patients to eat vomit.
1. Rub your palms together When your eyes are tired, is the most effective way, can help smooth the flow of blood, stamina and spirit will soon arise again. And your face look like fresh and avoid acne problem
2. Sports
3. Sleep But now most people have trouble sleeping soundly. According to statistics doctor Taiwan, in Taiwan there are as many as 5 million people who could only sleep with the help of sleeping pills. Sleep is the technique, should not sleep when dingat put his hand across his chest, can cause nightmares. Also do not put it at the waist, can cause stress on body organs, the best place on the second side of the body, palms facing up. The better one's sleep, the faster the stress disappear. But do not wait until the new bed very tired, even more difficult to sleep, was exhausted still hard to sleep means that the liver is severely damaged due to suffer twice, that is tired and can not rest.
4. Rest Distinct break with sleep, rest is leaving the original work and replace it with a view. For example when eating at the table do not do original work, try to bring food from home or provided by cooperate, do not eat out, just killed time, let alone most of eating out can be a prickly cancer. Try to bring their own lunch, more meta-time, meal to follow my formula this toxic waste, after eating, leave 15 minutes to do things that no working relationship at all. Remaining time used to do gymnastics with abdominal breathing, the respiratory motion in order to make yourself relax.
5. Keeping Food and Beverages Do not consume foods high pressure, all the foods that cause irritation of the high-pressure food, the more consumption of these foods will make overworked sympathetic nerves, sometimes interfere with all functions of the body to be in danger condition. The so-called high-pressure food? Coca cola, coffee, tea, alcohol, cigarettes, milk derivative products and derivative products of meat, all kinds of meat, especially processed foods with an oil high pressure. What kind of food can make a feeling of joy? Vegetables, fruits and seeds. The most potent drink was the water pressure decrease. Drinking water can reduce the pressure, good drinking water can eliminate stress. (WHO found, more than 80% of illnesses directly related to the lack of water sources clean
6. Sunbathing sunshine The sun has a treatment capacity. Many people with depression are those who do not like sun bathing, sunbathing with frequent sunshine, the antibodies will increase.
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